

ocean plastic - Adidas

community, conscious, environmentally caring, environmentally conscious, environmentally responsib, Oceans, Recycled, repurposed, shoes, Earth Dayeden tirlComment

Winter is finally over! Which means we can stay out longer and enjoy warmer weather. That also means you no longer have an excuse to skip that running session. But fret not, Adidas brings you their Ultraboost Parley Shoes. The shoes were made for long distance running, featuring extra cushioning and reliable traction. When it comes to running, it’s ALL in the shoes.

Adidas was founded in Germany and since then, they have been committed to change peoples’ lives through exercise. Their mission is to be a sustainable company, which is why they created their Parley shoes that are made out of recycled ocean plastic. They use Parley Ocean Plastic in order to prevent plastic waste from reaching the ocean. A perfect way to celebrate Earth Day!

We are so Smitten!

no to plastic waste - PathWater

conscious, environmentally conscious, global, water, cause conscious, clean water, environmentally responsib, ethical, Oceanseden tirlComment

Can you remember how many plastic bottles you’ve used in your lifetime? Me neither. With plastic pollution becoming a bigger threat to our environment, PathWater has stepped up to change that. Their aluminum bottle is not only reusable but its sustainable too. 

PathWater was founded to help you make the switch from single-use plastic. It’s estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. Due to this scary and sad reality, PathWater has worked tirelessly to beat those odds with their aluminum bottles. Their water is also locally sourced, having gone through a whopping seven step reverse osmosis filtration process. Better for you and better for the environment. 

How wonderfully Smitten!