
Mary Jane Marcasiano

recycled rubber bangles - Made With Love Project

bangles, bracelets, cause conscious, fair trade, fashion, gifts, girls, jewelry, upcyclededen tirlComment

These vivid, recycled, wrapped, rubber bangles are so well constructed and hip, they make me happy!

Made With Love bracelets are made by a Women's Cooperative in Djenne', Mali, West Africa.

In 2007 designer Mary Jane Marcasiano formed MADE WITH LOVE. MWL is a global call to action, dedicated to raising funds and awareness for NGOs aiding women and children. Through the production and sale of products that provide a fair income for women in Brazil and Africa, Made With Love is addressing the need for aid.

Made With Love works in tandem with the Cygnet Foundation, which through the proceeds realized from art-related programs, seeks to help those in need: women and children, the homeless, the hungry as well as abandoned and endangered animals. 

The women are paid a fair price for their work, so the money the bracelets provide create a means of support, and are sold to raise funds for L'Empire des Enfants.

L'Empire des Enfants is a center for homeless children from the streets of Dakar, Senegal. L'Empire grants shelter, meals, education and training programs. They also work with local organizations to return homeless children to their families.
