
The Giving Pledge

the Giving Pledge - Chobani

cause conscious, charity, ethical, yogurteden tirlComment

I don't eat a lot of yogurt...but I will now.

How can one not be moved and thoroughly Smitten with Hamdi Ulukaya! The founder and CEO Of Chobani, vowed at the end of May, that he would join some of the world's richest individuals in pledging to give away at least 700 million dollars (half of his wealth,) to help refugees from all around the world, through a new foundation called Tent.

In the announcement, Ulukaya said that he would sign The Giving Pledge, a pledge that was started by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to spur philanthropy in billionaires and millionaires.

Ulukaya said that he was dedicating his pledge to his mother, and that he was has committed “to helping the refugees and bringing an end to this humanitarian crisis.”

